
your travel thru Life is all about perspective: photo by Lindsey Freeman

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The lost practice of Song Dedication

Whens the last time you dedicated a song to someone...or for that matter someone dedicated (or even texted) you a song that "reminds" them of you...
What happened to that? In the land of ipods and digital music, apparently we forgot that feeling when you are having "that kind of day" and BAMB, there is that song on the radio that makes it all better.  Nitty Gritty Dirt Band instantly paints the image in my head of my brother and his new wife sneaking out at midnight to go fishing when she was pregnant and couldn't sleep. Willie Nelson's twang revives the memory of moms meatloaf and dancing in the kitchen to 61 country on the AM radio. Toby's Keith's "Let's Talk About Me" reminds me of my dad serenading my mom on the back deck (seriously funny) You get the's magic for the memory just like smell of your grandmas cornbread and chilli in the fall.  Instead of sitting in your car alone thinking to yourself, "wow, what a great song,  I wish someone thought this about me..." do something about it...text them on the fone (taboo I know)...let them know...I was thinking of you when I heard this today, and now magically, you will think of them when it plays. ...well Allie Jo, this one is for you baby, "I Like You Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars

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